This was a little confusing to figure out because doing this is very different in the various versions of Ext JS. In this example there is a GridPanel with columns A,B,C,D and at some point within the application I want to be able to add column E.
As a guideline I have read that you are not supposed to use headerCt objects, but I was unable to find a solution that didn’t use it that worked in 4.x.
Ext.define('', { extend: 'Ext.grid.GridPanel', columns: [ { header: 'A', dataIndex: 'alpha' }, { header: 'B', dataIndex: 'bravo' }, { header: 'C', dataIndex: 'charlie' }, { header: 'D', dataIndex: 'delta' }, ], addStuff: function() { var eColumn = Ext.create('Ext.grid.column.Column', { header: 'E', dataIndex: 'echo', }); this.headerCt.insert(this.columns.length, eColumn); this.getView().refresh(); }, });