November 6, 2013

HTML5/Sencha/Ext JS Test Automation

I have spent the last couple of years working heavily with Sencha Touch/Ext JS, and ran into a lot of issues when it came to writing […]
February 1, 2013
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn

AppFoundation Announces AppContinuum for HTML5 Enterprise Development

We are pleased to announce the release of our latest product AppContinuum. AppContinuum is an application that establishes an intelligent and flexible HTML5-based architecture and infrastructure, […]
October 10, 2012
mobile application development appfoundation

Sencha Ext JS Customer Spotlight: Incentrak

One of our last Ext JS and Spring enterprise projects is being featured on the Sencha website:
August 1, 2012
Digital Transformation Group LinkedIn

Running Tomcat on HTTPS with a Secure Certificate on Dreamhost

1. Create a new domain Login to your Dreamhost account Go to “Manage Domains” Select to “Add New Domain” Make sure to specify the “Run this […]